Tag Archives: vaccination

Tailored online interventions to advertise seasonal influenza vaccination

Tailored online interventions to advertise seasonal influenza vaccination

In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers evaluated the efficacy of tailored online interventions in improving seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) uptake amongst older adults. Study: Chatbot-Delivered Online Intervention to Promote Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Image Credit: BaLL LunLa/Shutterstock.com Background SIV can effectively prevent influenza and mortality amongst older adults. The Center […]

Is the timing of COVID-19 vaccination related to changes in menstrual cycle length?

Is the timing of COVID-19 vaccination related to changes in menstrual cycle length?

A recent study posted on the preprint server Research Square* under review for publication in a Nature Portfolio journal reports that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines administered in the course of the first follicular phase of the menstrual cycle can temporarily increase the duration of the menstrual cycle. Study: Timing of COVID19 vaccination drives menstrual cycle changes. Image Credit: Trismegist san / […]

Study maps immune responses produced by COVID-19 vaccination in First Nations population

Study maps immune responses produced by COVID-19 vaccination in First Nations population

Published in Nature Immunology and Nature Briefing, the research is the primary of its kind to decisively map immune responses produced by a COVID-19 vaccination in any First Nations populations. In partnership with Menzies School of Health Research, researchers on the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute) evaluated immune responses in Aboriginal […]