Tag Archives: static

Static Stretching Before a Workout: Myths vs. Facts

Static Stretching Before a Workout: Myths vs. Facts

Holding long stretches was considered an integral a part of any warm-up before a workout. Think: the toe touches you used to do before soccer practice, or bringing your foot to your butt to stretch your quads before Jazzercise class. But lately, this approach, often known as static stretching, has gotten a foul rap. As […]

Ticks will be interested in hosts by static electricity

Ticks will be interested in hosts by static electricity

Ticks will be attracted across air gaps several times larger than themselves by the static electricity that their hosts naturally accumulate, researchers on the University of Bristol have discovered. This likely greatly increases their efficiency at finding hosts to parasitize because ticks will not be able to jumping, and due to this fact that is […]