LinkedIn has gained an additional level of assurance for advertisers, with the Media Rankings Council (MRC) granting accreditation on several of LinkedIn’s display ad metrics.
After submitting to a voluntary MRC audit, LinkedIn’s processes have now been verified by the Council, meaning that LinkedIn’s measurement and reporting systems adhere to industry standards across several key areas regarding ethical operations, disclosure, and delivery.
As per LinkedIn:
“We now have received MRC accreditation for 4 display ad metrics: gross impression, net impression, gross click, and net click in desktop, mobile web, and mobile in-app. Our accreditation is applicable to Sponsored Content Ads, Text, and Dynamic Ad formats.”
That’ll provide additional peace of mind for LinkedIn marketers, who can trust that LinkedIn’s processes on these elements have been checked and approved by an independent industry body.
LinkedIn says that the accreditation is a credit to its efforts to solidify its ad systems:
“Being awarded an MRC accreditation showcases LinkedIn’s dedication to abide by the best industry standards of quality and accuracy in measurement. That is only the start – LinkedIn looks forward to continuing work with industry bodies to construct upon its commitment to deliver B2B measurement solutions that meet or exceed industry standards.”
In future, LinkedIn’s seeking to gain full accreditation for all of its ad offerings, as a way to maximize ad partner trust and confidence.
LinkedIn can even now display a brand new MRC-accredited metrics column view in Campaign Manager.
It’s a positive step for LinkedIn, which can help to facilitate more trust in its ad systems and metrics.
You may learn more about LinkedIn’s MRC accreditation here.